Sunday, January 29, 2012

-To Draw is to Be Human-


While reading To Draw is to Be Human, I was taken by simply the title. I've never thought all that deeply about drawing in ways other than as my hobby, a way of expressing myself, and putting my thoughts and ideas onto paper, but the statement that "everyone draws" is something that caught my attention. Because it's true! In my childhood, I drew on paper, my house walls, or whatever happened to be around. Cardboard was acceptable for my crayons. I didn't care. And looking at people, those who need to explain an idea that they have via sketches -- group members of mine did that just the other day -- I look back and realize that, while everyone may not be an "artist" in the way many may see them, as those who excel in drawing, everyone does draw. It's a form of expression, and sometimes communication.

For me, that's why I've always drawn things. I never thought, and might never think, about it nearly as much as the reading did, nor did I always think of the "purity of the blank piece of paper" as such a blessing and that the marks I placed would be there forever. Still, it made me think about why I draw, and why I want to draw, and that's twofold. One, I enjoy doing what I love, and I'll keep doing it so long as I enjoy it, and two, I want to leave my own mark on the world somewhere. I want to be immortalized by something, whether it's from my art, my writing, or whatever it may be, because I have this peculiar fear of being forgotten by people close to me. And, besides, if the marks on paper, as the reading states, are there forever, is it not the same for the spirit of the artist?

~ Christine (Frosty)

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